
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Chinese Thanksgiving Recipe(转)

Western family has the tradition of cooking Turkey in Thanksgiving. I personally haven't got the chance to taste this famous dish, however, I saw this chinese thanksgiving recipe on a blog, which exhibits those  photos of homemade Beijing Duke. So delicious and makes me homesick.

A recipe stolen from a blog presents as following:
You Would Love It.....

烤鸭做法: Procedure of toasting the duke:
1.  One Duke, unfreeze it. Clear the belly, then smear salt all over the duke( inside and outside)
2. Use oyster sauce, chinese prickly ash, the five spices powder (prickly ash, str aniseed, cinnamon, clove and fennel), smear all over the inside of the belly.
3. stuff the duke with chopped scallion, ginger,cinnamon, star anise and myrcia, seal the duke with toothpick.
4. Boil a pot of hot water, keep the temperature above 80 centigrade. watering the duke with hot water consistently about 3 mins. It will help the duke skin firm.
5. Now comes to the waiting time. Put the duke in a well ventilated place, until the duke skin dried. Meanwhile, prepare a mix sauce of honey, vinegar and soy sauce (3:1:1). When the duke is dry, smear it with the sauce all over. Then continue drying for about 12 hours or more. You can do the preparation on the night, and roast it the next night.
6. Before you put the duke in the oven, smear the mix sauce again. Wrap the duke with tinfoil.  Tune the oven to 300°F , time for 1 hour first. Smear again, then 1 hour again.
Pay Attention: wrap the duke including the wings and legs.
7. when you hear the "Ding", the duke is done. What you need to do now is to slice it, and warp the duke with the beijing sweet sauce into the flak cake.

荷叶饼(煎制版):The flat cake:
All purpose flour:800g, hot water 640ml, a cup of vegetable oil ( 60 pieces of flat cakes)


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Creative Tofu Cooking

 Those who are carving Tofu, here comes my very own recipe.

1. Colorful Life
Shopping list:

  • Bell Pepper container
  • Healthy and must-be ingredient: carrot
  • The main actor: Tofu
  • Supporting actors and actress: ground meat, celery


  • Chop all ingredients besides the container :) into small pieces. 
  • Cut the pepper in the middle, empty it, wash it outside and inside.


  • Steam or quick boil the lovely red bell pepper . If you prefer diversity, use green, yellow and red bell peppers.
  • Meanwhile, Normal cooking procedure. Heat oil, throw meat, carrots, celery and tofu in time order in the pot. Stir-fry them. Put a little water after stirring 2 mins. When all done, probably 5 mins. add salt and a little soy sauce. 
  • Carefully put the mixed delicious in the container.

Ta Da~~~

I know my explanation is kind of confusing. The picture can express itself well. And if you happened to be one of my friends, come and of course with gift, you can have a taste of this playful dish.

2. Beast with kind heart
It is a produce of my flashing thoughts. Turns out to be such a delicious food.
Attention: Only serve to your family or close friends. You know, it looks so ugly. :p
Shopping List: 

  • Unique flavor: Shahe Fen ( Hints for friends living in Boston, especially BU student: Super 88 Markets serves all kinds of ingredients) 
  • Healthy part: Carrot
  • Energy part: Meat( pork or chicken), One Egg
  • Last but not least: Tofu~~


  • Crack the egg, gently stir it until the yoke is mixed around. 
  • Chop Shahe Fen into small pieces (reference: all shahe fu dishes you used to have in a restaurant). Dress them with the mixed egg.
  • Cut meat, carrots and tofu into pieces.

Here comes the normal procedure again.
  • High Heat Oil, put meat, carrots and tofu into the pot in time order.  
  • Add one glass of water, turn to 7-8 degree heat, wait for the water to boil.
  • Put the prepared shahe fu dressed with egg into the pot.
  • Add soy sauce, salt. 
Finished again.

My cooking is always related with my mood. It is also the reason why I call them creative cookings. So, please don't try to find precise instructions in my Chefish Life sector. Great flavor always mixed with great mood. Love your food, and put your own idea inside. You know when is the right timing. Of course, I assume you are an experienced cooker. :P

Ugly Breast is Coming......

Trust Me, It does taste delicious.