
Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012 我在dallas

沿着网上流行的格式,我也打算这么开始我的2011新年总结。2011, Boston, New York, D.C., Cape Cod, Rockport, Salem, New Haven, Dallas 有我。2011年一整年都没有踏上祖国的土地,都没有和爸爸妈妈见上一面,心里总是有些失落和惆怅。但2011我生命中也出现了那么多人,也一直有朋友的陪伴,虽然依然幼稚依然孩子气但也摸爬滚打渐渐也有了丝沧桑。人过了25岁,日子总像在追着你跑。回忆过去的几年,虽然见识广了,但是似乎什么都还在原地徘徊,事业未成(简单说现在的状态是失业),爱情也没有起色(虽然有段让我刻骨铭心的爱情,但也是无疾而终,修成正果何时才能达到)。每当想到这些,就十分地沮丧。恨不得能一觉起来,第二天一切都摆在面前。也许这是电影的荼毒吧,短短七八十分钟讲述一生,而一生缺如此漫长又如此短暂。

今晚在舒展,京通家一起跨年,一起吃了dimsum,一起看了电影once,一起看了time square的跨年live。现在巴黎时间7点36分,你比我早到2012年7个小时。bonne annee. 我突然好想反悔,好想和你说,我们不要断了联系,我们写信,写很长很长的信,我们做朋友先,也许有一天,有一天,也许我们再在一起的时候,就不会显得那么陌生,恍如隔世。


Thursday, December 29, 2011

After reading Shapiro's Coloring Book

Our love didn't break as others have sharp fragments that hurt
Afraid of fading in tedious we let it trap in the time, a smile farewell.

One day my body was a shell merely to contain you.
The next day, empty of you. Got to be filled somehow.

I read, I travel, I write,
as if we were traveling separately.
But sometimes I remember the sweetness,
and it bears your name.

I murmured to myself maybe maybe.

A tree that once was a seedling
A guitar that once was a truck of bare wood
A view from the window that once was yesterday's
that once was last year's
Once we were in each other's life

I wished this chapter never closes

Saturday, December 24, 2011

All I Want Is You

How many roads must went down before we meet again
How many nights must passed through before I can feel your warmth

So long, so long

How many people must walked by till we meet again
How many winters must I survive till I can feel your warmth

So long, so long

Mistletoes turn green, Maples turn red.
Mountains away, Oceans apart.
I will be brave, 
You will be all right.

So long, so long

Sunday, July 24, 2011

À la recherche du temps perdu

This is my last weekend in New york city. The past two months inspired me a lot. I feel the pace matched, i kind of fit in. After all, it's an city of Amazingness. lol it's a seamless city, filled with so many things waiting there for you to discover. But as of every big city, the glory comes with shadow. You feel the loneliness, irresponsibleness, filth, being swallowed. You need peace here. However, there is always an however to make you love a thing regardless of those crappies, ATTITUDES TRUMPS.

Once in a while, you will feel depressed, everyone does. Once in a while, you will feel happy, and grateful. Life is a process that you need to savor and learn to appreciate. Once you take everything as grounded, you never aware how lucky you are.

I don't know why. Sometimes i always do thing against my true wiliness. Guess i am just a coward, afraid of embracing who i am, who i now turned into after all those years. My mind looses, drifts. I burst into cry out of no where.  I miss my parents, but hesitate reaching them. I need friends, but i am scare to have one. Always whispering to myself, hey, be tough, be strong, the more i said so, i feel more vulnerable. Good old time is a mysterious thing, it always looks so pure, so bright. By then , our mind is so straight forward, no twist, no wondering, no guessing. We are truly happy. Gosh, i am being so negative now.

i want to have my own gang! Someone you can count on no matter what. Nothing comes easy, and nothing comes without price. And PATIENT.  Learn how to enjoy life by myself, then other things will follow and come. Like happiness.

July 30th, back to Boston!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

old post [有一拉布拉多叫marley] 2009-06-18

marley & me
一只只值200磅的clearance puppy


一部讲述平凡生活的片子 每个角色都经历着自己的成长 无论是jenny还是John Grogan,或者petric...
伴随着marley,生活也在点点滴滴地进行。为人妻为人夫,为人父母,事业,家庭,责任。。没有什么和你想象的一样,什么的都和计划的不一样,but it is better!!!
Just as he joyfully refused any limits on his behaviour, his love and loyalty were boundless, too.


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Commencement Day!

BU field hockey team member  lines up the chairs in Nickerson Field in preparation for Sunday’s Comencement. 


 Be a happy elephant :P  intoxicate itself by fully loaded truck. :P
(Using this photo only because of the "BU RED"! 

Saturday, May 21, 2011




Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Spot Spring in BU Campus

Thanks Shuting for her great shots "Refreshing Bostonia"

In front of Mugar

Bay State Road
Bay State Road- Residents


marsh chapel

love the petals, love spring

We will rock the finals!!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

3 Days in the Capital City

Highlights of the trip:

  • National Air & Space Museum (Cool stuffs)
  • National Art Gallery( Breathtaking, provocative, and refreshing paintings always attract me)
  • Library of Congress (Thomas Jefferson's Library)
I cannot live without books.
---Thomas Jefferson, June 10, 1815

Oz described his father's fondness of books in A tale of love and darkness,  I remembered he described the appearance of books then. I never saw a very old book collection before. The moment I stepped into the Jeffersons' library, I feel a chill in my heart. "Books then really were sexier than books today". Just a glance of the bindings of those books, I can understand the saying of "books can gave you gooseflesh when you touched them, as though you were groping something private and inaccessible, something that seemed to be tremble at your touch."  It was really a memorable moment to me- those hauntingly beautiful books. I even got the illusion of intoxicating smell of the old original books. 
  • Yummy Falafel, Yummy Yummy Ethiopian food.

Knowledge for today:
Only the Commandant of the Marines,  The Patent Office and the Post Office, besides of the residential areas were spared in the War of 1812, which burned most of the city to the ground.

The choice of Washington’s site along the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers resulted from a compromise between Alexander Hamilton and northern states who wanted the new Federal government to assume Revolutionary War debts and Thomas Jefferson and southern states who wanted the capital placed in a location friendly to slave-holding agricultural interests.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bell's Day

We can be really good friends.  Thank you for this amazing clock. 
The amazing part of life is that you never know what will be there around the corner. All the running around and freaking out will worth in the end, if not, then that's not the end.
I always hold a curious heart to explore the world. I do and did feel afraid all the time. Fear will never go away, but courage will overtake fear. It's a brand new day. I can smile again.
Life is always moving forward, like the time, like the needles of the clock. I thought we never need to go too far, so why not just hold on where we are, and see what sign we will get in the future. A sudden stop, like a broken clock, makes me want to freeze the time, stay in the old good days. Time, people, world never waits; you seal yourself in a jar, moan for the death of a period, search for a straw and wonder the  show up of Tradis, finally, you realize everything is different, there is no way back. So embrace the new day, embrace your new friend, step out the gloomy jar, see the blue sky, feel the sunshine, and SMILE.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Brand New Day

"Brand New Day"

By Joshua Radin
Some kind of magic
Happens late at night
When the moon smiles down at me
And bathes me in its light

I fell asleep beneath you
In the tall blades of grass
When I woke the world was new
I never had to ask

It's a brand new day
The sun is shining
It's a brand new day
For the first time in such a long long time
I know, I'll be ok

Most kind of stories
Save the best part for last
And most stories have a hero who finds
You make your past your past
Yeah you make your past your past

It's a brand new day
The sun is shining
It's a brand new day
For the first time in such a long long time
I know, I'll be ok

This cycle never ends
You gotta fall in order to mend

It's a brand new day
It's a brand new day
For the first time in such a long long time
I know, I'll be ok 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

An Explore of Excel

The Alumni Leadership Council of my department held an Excel Training Session tonight. I have used Excel for at  least 7 years, but today most of the functions are all eye openers for me.I guess what I know before is just way too just for dummy. John the leader of the Leadership Council gave us a very detailed and practical Excel session. Thank you, John.
I want to do a summary here, so anyone who might be interested can benefit from it too.


Usage: lookup value in different sheets
eg:  =VLOOKUP($A4,OECD_LeadingIndicators!$B$7:$J$42,9,0)

Table_array: a array table come from any sheet in a excel. Here:OECD_LeadingIndicators!$B$7:$J$42
Col_index_num. Here:9; We can also use MATCH function to make it dynamic.
range_lookup: Here we leave it blank, cause we don't want to defy.
Shortcuts: Control Pageup/pagedown: shifting to different sheets.

2.Match Function

Usage: Find the column number or row number of a variable.

Inbuilt match into the vlookup function.

check it. Highlight the match function, hitF9, see if it's 9.

"An array formula is a formula that works with an array, or series, of data values rather than a single data value."
Array formulas are so powerful, because they can express logical operations.
=AVERAGE(B5:B10/B4:B9)-1  Find the growth rate. 
Among all the European countries, whose Dec data is larger than June's, find out the max Dec value of all the countries satisfied the above condition.

Hit "Control+shift+enter" instead of "enter" to let excel know it's an array formula.

( I know it's confusing without a spreadsheet in front of you to see the real data. I will ask permission of John, see if I can upload the excel. If yes, i will upload it in my dropbox.)

"The Best Function Most Users Have Never Heard of"-Quoted from John Affleck 
Actually, I found out the whole website is useful and well designed. Interesting!

Other Tips:

Sheet naming:
•No spaces—spaces cause problems for reference formulae
•Use intelligent names, to easily reference using INDIRECT
•Include “divider sheets” to organize data, eg “RawData==>”, “Charts==>”, etc.

keyboard shortcuts
<I know rare keyboard shortcuts, so most of the following shortcuts will be very basic>
F2: See the result of the function
Highlight part of the function ( always function inside of another function) + F9: result of the sub-function
F4: add $ to selected cell
Control Z: Cancel  (applicable to Word too)
Control Y: Redo    (applicable to Word too)
Control F: Finder

Something not well organized. Hope one day I can understand excel better and answer those questions. I am sure I would laugh at myself about the way I manifested all the materials.:)

How to Zoom in to a value Or a square, then find value in the zoom?
=min(if …=.., row())  find the min row if .....
=max(if …=..,row())  find the max row if...

* Remember dynamic is very important when you have large amount of data. That's why we need formula.

*How to use Marco to connect excel with powerpoint.

*Use Copy Path instead of attaching the excel file in your email and send to others. It can avoid the mess created by multiply editions.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Useful financial website- All About Money
"The table of contents to articles—supplemented with illustrations, charts, and examples for quick comprehension—about all aspects of earning, saving, and investing money. Find more specific information fast by using the search engine at the bottom of this page. The links to the table of contents to individual subjects have many more topics than are listed here."

Monday, February 14, 2011

DIY Today- A Dollar Bill Diamond Ring

Every woman wants a diamond ring, especially a heart shaped diamond ring. Do you want to make her happy? If the answer is Yes. I bet this heart shaped dollar bill diamond ring will help you complete this mission.

I looked up some instructions online. Here is a good one.

Now is my experiment with a dollar bill


My puzzle is how to fix the ring. Now I am using the adhesive tape as the instruction said, but the tape makes the ring so not cool. If anyone has a good idea of how to fix the ring, please tell me.

1. one dollar bill ring (I think it's for kids and men, ugly)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Make Your Kawasaki Roses for V Day

Kawasaki Rose
V Day is coming. Do you still linger in the flower store, intimated by the ridiculous price of roses?
Let's continue our Green action. Make a Kawasaki Rose. The following instruction photos are from a website, not my original work. But they do give a very good demonstation. You can find Mr. Kawasaki's original instruction in the reference, if you want to stick to old fashion. Let's begin.

My Paper Roses ( 3 years ago)

Happy V Day! 

This Day in History for 14th February
1803 - Apple parer patented by Moses Coats, Downington, Penn
1859 - Oregon admitted as 33rd state
1876 - A G Bell & Elisha Gray apply separately for telephone patents. Supreme Court eventually rules Bell rightful inventor
1894 - Venus is both a morning star & evening star
1899 - US Congress begins using voting machines
1912 - Arizona becomes the 48th state in the Union
1924 - IBM Corporation founded by Thomas Watson
1949 - 1st session of Knesset (Jerusalem Israel) (No idea what is the Knesset)
1978 - 1st "micro on a chip" patented by Texas Instruments