
Monday, January 28, 2013

2012的那个夏天 (4) - Rietberg Museum

If you ask me which are my favoriate places of Zurich, the first one flashed out is the Rietberg Museum. The park is one of the most idyllic part of the city. A sudden turn, you are enveloped by ocean of peace and green. The main building of the museum and its new entrance is hidden behind of a park. The sound of leaves rustling, birds singing and the pebbles under your feet"cracking" all come back to me whenever I thought of Rietberg museum. It makes me feel so calm and peaceful.

The emerald colored glass pavilion is an extension to the main building Foyer. It opened in 2007, and has two underground levels which holds permanent( Japan China, and Africa) and temporal exhibitions respectively. I was very surprised to see that Rietberg has such a big collection of Chinese arts. When I stepped inside the Emerald, the emphasis on details and designs of swiss were again being demonstrated. The background wall of the giftshop which located at the entrance hall is an art work called concrete reflection. The golden"post-it" is a collective art of people who visited the museum and left their very own reflection here. yes, we did it as well, and hided it in a very special place. When I went back this winter, looking again at our "masterpiece"was a joy. The ceiling lights of the entrance is also golden colored with a marble like texture. If you think that's it, then you will find yourself amazed by the wooden staircase leading to the underground levels. The entrance is connected to the Villa Wesendonck, which is named after its owner, a german composer Richard Wagner. The building hides in the deep of the rietberg park, so graceful.

We had ice creams in the museum cafe, and rainer cited the sentence on the ice-cream box "you scream, I scream, we all scream for icecream" next to our rietberg museum picture in our summer album. It's so silly and sweet.  After the appreciation of the great exhibitions, we would always walk, well at least for the past two times I did, to the far end of the park where you can have a glance of this beautiful lake city. Those two red benches are a symbol of our reflection that day. We sat there, quietly, but not lonely at all.

A link for many nice pictures of the museum:

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